Monday, November 25, 2013

The Riley Factor #128

The Riley Factor
Fort Plain, NY
October 18, 2013, Issue No. 130
 (All the Rock Creek Farm news that's fit to print, along with unfit-to-print rumors, prognostications & bloviations.)

It has been a busy summer - four months since the last edition of The Riley Factor, which was June 15 or so.

Fort Plain Floods -- On the morning of Friday, June 28, at 6AM, a four-foot wall of water rushed down Main Street in Downtown Fort Plain.  The Otsquago Creek had surged out of its bed, adding 20-30 feet in height to normal water levels.  An 87-year-old woman opened her front door to look and was swept away - not seen since.  State Highways 80, 163 and 5S were impassable.  When the water settled, every basement in the Downtown area was full of water.  Every business was closed.  Mud everywhere.  Electric power nowhere.  Red Cross, state troopers, FEMA, Homeland Security, sheriff deputies, local police, local fire departments, etc. everywhere.  Virtually every bridge in town was breached and made unusable, including all the small bridges on all the back roads in the agricultural areas surrounding the downtown area.  Clean-up ensued, but more rain on June 29-30 and July 1-2 followed, forcing more evacuations.   Two months later, clean-up continues.  Most bridges have been repaired, some houses are condemned, the State has been working in the Creek, reshaping it, all summer, and the worst hit area, Abbott Street off of Route 80 is still a mess, with many houses in the area still without power.  By October, most damage has been repaired, but several small businesses never returned to downtown Fort Plain, and Abbott Street is still a mess, with all its houses condemned and unlivable.

Riley and the Littles 
-- The Golden Boy and his summer time minion, Watson, the yellow lab pup, run hard, play hard and sleep hard.  Both Riley and Watson think that biting the tails of the cats is fun.  The cats disagree.  Alack and alas, Watson left us at summer's end for his hopefully permanent home. 

Plowing and Planting -- Mid-June brought haying.  First, a day plus to review the mower, tedder, rake, baler and hay wagons and get them into shape for the task.  Then, required for making hay while the sun shines are three straight days of forecast and actual sun, warmth, breeze and zero rain.  Well, we got this and more from June 19 to 23 and put 1,190 bales of hay in the barn, 290 more bales from the first cutting than a year ago.  We mowed our primary hay fields,14 acres, on Thursday.  The tedded the hay once later that day and once on Friday.  Then, we raked the hay into rows late Friday and did the baling and stacking on Saturday, with the assistance of Melvin Miller Jr. and Daniel Stoltzfus.  Susan, Nancy and I were well worn by Saturday evening.  Spring of heavy rain and summer of no rain has taken its toll on the grain crops.  Hay was bountiful, but wheat, oats and barley a bit sparse.  A number of the corn fields in the area are half growing and half gone.  Apple trees are full with more apples than we'll ever use.  We did a second cutting of hay in mid-September and put another few hundred bales in the barn. 

And They're Off -- Rio and Blondie bask playfully in the pasture.  We saddled-up Rio and CJ, with friends Andie and Scott, rode a bit.  Andie clearly the expert.  Scott was tossed-off when we looked away and only mostly recovered from the bruise on his butt. 

The Herd of Five (now Four) -- Eli, Lily, Michael, Isaac, and Abby summered in the pasture and recently fenced trails area, spending most evenings outside.  They love roaming the trails but still come running for their daily dose of hay, offered each evening by Nancy.  The three calves passed their one-year birthdays this summer.  In early October, it was time for Eli, then a 2,000+ pound fully-grown Holstein steer, to head to the butcher for processing, yielding 900 piounts of hanging-weight beef and over 800 pounds of finished, packaged and frozen steaks, roasts, ribs and ground beef, enough for us for another year or two.

Mowings, Musings and the Woods -- We cleared the shooting range and tried-out the new targets and .22's.  Great success.  And mark the date,August 25, a bit down the road on Freysbush Street, Susan saw a brown bear run into a corn field.  Last year, Susan saw a mother bear and two cubs at a creek right next to the road, while driving on Route 20 out near Duanesburg.

Fowl Weather -- The turkeys are growing ever larger as their mid-November showdown approaches.  Most of the hens are in the 12-15 pound range, with the toms a bit larger.  Still a month month to go/grow, so finished weights should be 20 lbs. or so.  One of the 18 Red Star/Silkie chicken chicks hatched this past spring just laid an egg, so the evolutionary process marches on.  Soon, we should be getting a couple of dozen eggs per day.

Visitors -- Stevie, CJ and friends spent a couple of July weekends at the Compound.  Giant bonfire scorched a portion of the lawn, but no real damage.

Blog -- The Riley Factor's official blog site is located at  It contains all issues to date.  (If you actually spend the time and search through our Internet site, you may need more help with your life than we are able offer....  But we digress.)

Quotes of the Month -- 
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- Declaration of Independence

     Only a fool holds out for top dollar. -- Joseph Kennedy (the father)

     Economic forecasting is a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. -- William Shakespeare (Macbeth)

     The only reason people lock their car doors when Obama walks by is that they are afraid that Obama will tax them to death. -- James Woods

     Every time something really bad happens, people cry out for safety, and the government answers by taking rights away from good people-- Penn Jillette

     The victory of Socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims. -- Che Guevara     

     We must do away with all newspapers. A revolution cannot be accomplished with freedom of the press-- Che Guevara

     If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so. -- Thomas Jefferson

     Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize that half the people are stupider than that. -- George Carlin

Thought of the Month --
America's Obituary
In 1887 Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the
University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the
Athenian Republic some 2,000 years prior:

"A democracy is always
temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent
form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until
the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous
gifts from the public treasury. From that
moment on, the majority
always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from
the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally
collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a

"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the
beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200
years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."

Bumper Stickers of the Month -- a tie this edition --
     ONE-SIDED AND PROUD: SOCIALISM  (seen on a car also sporting bumper stickers saying OBAMA and GREEN)



Fact of the Month

     For every one job created under the Obama Administration, 75 people have gone on food stamps.
     Four out of five U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near-poverty, or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream. (Associated Press, 7/29/13)

And then There's This ...
                             Clocks in Heaven

A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the
Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked, "What are
all those clocks?"

St. Peter answered, "Those are lie-clocks. Everyone on Earth has a
lie-clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move."

"Oh", said the man. "Whose clock is that?"

"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating she's never
told a lie."

"Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"

St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved
twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."

"Where's President Obama's clock," asked the man?

"Obama's clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."


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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The RIley Factor #127

The Riley Factor
Fort Plain, NY
February 28, 2013, Issue No. 127(All the Rock Creek Farm news that's fit to print, along with unfit-to-print rumors, prognostications & bloviations.)

Riley and the Littles 
--  Winter in Middle-of-Nowhere has for the most part been cold and snowy.  No particularly huge storms, but constant overnight and daylight lake-effect snow frequently has been adding up to an inch or so of accumulation per day between storms.  And not too many warm thawing days.  Riley and his feline entourage alternate between running about the place and lying about the place.  We also now have an orange and white stray cat living in the wood shed and under the garden shed.  All of the little ones love running around in fresh snow.

Plowing and Planting -- The only crops growing here now are the snow and ice, although we have started some peppers and onions indoors.  The greenhouse has yet to be opened for the season, owing to the cold overnight temps.

And They're Off -- January 24 brought minus 12 degrees at 6AM in beautiful downtown Fort Plain.  Well, Fort Plain anyway.  Record cold for our 5-year stay here in Middle-of-Nowhere.  Also, a record low of 26 in the barn, which was cold enough to freeze the barn water, and necessitated our hand-carrying warm water to the barn from the house to thaw the animal water buckets and the hydrant.  It had warmed to a toasty minus 6 by 9AM when we embarked on the chores.  Rio and Lady always want time outdoors, but our several severe cold spells limited that a bit.  We have had a few 4-7-day spans where the daily high temp was in the teens, with overnight lows below zero.  Leaving the animals in the barn during the day keeps the barn temperature in the 30s day and night.

The Herd of Five -- Cattle is mooing, eating and pooping all the day long.  The Fearsome Fivesome senses the cold and have become somewhat adjusted to spending a few days in a row in the barn without time in the pasture.  When the temps warm a bit, we release the cows to romp in the snow.

Mowings, Musings and the Woods -- We mostly heat the house with wood - will probably burn 10 cords of hardwood this winter.  We took a few of the milder days over this winter and began cutting trees to continue opening-up the woods a bit and collecting firewood for next year.  We already have 14 cords of newly-cut wood split and stacked under cover, and have another 26 trees felled, limbed and bucked, lying in the woods for collection and piling by the woodshed for splitting.  Once this year is done, we will stack 5-6 cords in the basement and leave the rest outdoors for seasoning.  Cutting and stacking firewood is really as much of a winter hobby and exercise program as anything else.

Fowl Weather -- Turkeys and chickens love the barn life.  One of our roosters, an all-white Jersey Giant/Red Star mix, who we have named Foghorn Leghorn (I know, a bit obvious) has taken to attacking Susan and Nancy during feeding time.  Although using a stick to ward him off, or tossing food into the pen gets around this temporarily, old Foghorn had better be careful, or he might end up as chicken soup.  His confederate rooster, Silky (all black with feathered legs and red and turquoise hues throughout) calmly watches the antics.  Breeding season has begun for the birds, and we already have 23 eggs in the incubator.

Visitors -- Very quiet here in Upstate, although we have made a few trips back to the Boston area.

Blog -- The Riley Factor's official blog site is located at  It contains all issues to date.  (If you actually spend the time and search through our Internet site, you may need more help with your life than we are able offer....  But we digress.)

Editorial Comment --
     President Obama and his progressive socialist agenda are destined and doomed ultimately to failure, unless and until they come to recognize harsh reality, and view the private sector as the generator of economic growth, and not the as means to fund government. 

Quotes of the Month
         Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing. -- Benjamin Franklin     

     No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. 
-- Aesop    

     May blessing and peace of heart be your rich gifts from God.
 -- I Thessalonians 1:1

     Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.  

     This is the time to remember, 'cause it will not last forever. These are the days to hold onto, 'cause we won't although we'll want to.
 -- Billy Joel
     At the end of the day, all stock price movements can be traced back to earnings. -- Steve Reitmeister,

     To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.
 -- Adolph Hitler

Obama is a doctrinaire socialist, who believes government can, and should tax and spend your money to achieve the remaking of America as he and his leftist pals see it. -- Bab Bauman, The Sovereign Investor

     Man is not free unless government is limited.
 -- Ronald Reagan
     In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time, we've been
tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to
government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to
govern someone else?  
-- President Ronald Reagan, first Inaugural Address, January, 1981

     If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.  If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed. -- Jeff Foxworthy
     If a Republican doesn't like a talk show, he switches channels.  Democrats demand those channels they don't like be shut down.  -- Jeff Foxworthy 
     Everybody is a genius.  But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. -- Albert Einstein

I have a bad feeling about this... -- Princess Leia

  Who is John Galt? -- Ayn Rand

Thought of the Month --
     Whenever you do not understand what’s happening in your life, just close your eyes, take a deep breath and say 'God I know it is your plan. Just help me through it.'

Bumper Sticker of the Month --

     D. A. D. D. D.   Dads Against Daughters Dating Democrats

Who is Rich and What is fair? -- By Alexander Green, Investment U --
     Answers are largely a matter of opinion. But here is a fact: IRS figures show that the top 10% of income earners make 43% of all the income and pay 70% of all the taxes. Is that fair? If not, how much should they pay: 75%… 90%… all of it? And how about the now widely recognized fact – thanks to Mitt Romney’s secret videographer – that 47% of Americans don’t pay any income taxes. Is that fair? Opinions will vary.  According to the IRS, the top 2% of income earners – the ones that just had their marginal tax rate raised 13% to 39.6% – already pay approximately half of all income taxes. President Obama says it’s about time these folks “chipped in.” What a kidder.
     And who is “rich?” For today’s discussion, I’ll leave aside the truism that you are rich if you enjoy good health, a loving family, close friends and varied interests. Politicians (and most voters, apparently) seem to believe that a person’s wealth can be determined by his or her income. I would argue that you determine real wealth by looking at a balance sheet not an income statement. But why not look at both?  According to the Tax Policy Center, if your annual household income is $107,628, you are in the top 20% of income earners. If your income exceeds $148,687, you are in the top 10%. You are in the top 5% if it is $208,810. And if your household income is $521,411, congratulations. You are in the top 1%… and perhaps demonized by those who view hard work and risk-taking as a matter of good genes and good fortune.

Facts of the Month

 In 2016, the government we will begin paying-out more in Social Security benefits than it collects in Social Security taxes.  Without changes, by 2037 the Social Security Trust Fund will be exhausted.
     51% of adults in the U.S. are married.  A generation ago, the number was 72%
     41% of births in the U.S. are currently to unmarried women.  33% of U.S. children are being raised in single-parent homes.
     In the short time since President Obama was re-elected, November 6, 2012, the federal government has issued hundreds of new regulations. The bureaucrats never stop. There are now more than 170,000 pages of federal regulations.  

     One in four children in the U.S. were on food stamps in 2011.
 -- USDA

     The average age of a vehicle currently on the road in America is 11 years. 
-- Alan Mulally, CEO, Ford   

 80% of all antibiotics sold in America are used on food animals, mostly to promote growth or prevent disease in crowded, unsanitary conditions.
 -- Consumer Reports
     40% of all employers perform an online check of prospective employees when evaluating employment candidates, including reviewing services such as Facebook, Linked-in and Twitter, as well as performing Google and other searches.

According to the FBI annual crime statistics, annually the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle.  In 2005, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 445, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 605.  In 2006, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 438, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 618.  And so the list goes, with the actual numbers changing somewhat from year to year, yet the fact that more people are killed with blunt objects each year remains constant.  In  2011, there were 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs.  Another interesting fact, according to the FBI, nearly twice as many people are killed by hands and fists each year than are killed by murderers who use rifles.

     The U.S. is no longer a nation where workers earn wages and save for the future.  See the following comparison of net worth now and 25 years ago.

Commentaries of the Month --
Zero-sum Makes Zero Sense

But the worst thing that you’ve done internationally is what you’ve done domestically. You sent a message to America in your reelection campaign. Therefore you sent a message to the world. The message is that we live in a zero-sum universe. There is a fixed amount of good things. Life is a pizza. If some people have too many slices, other people have to eat the pizza box. You had no answer to Mitt Romney’s argument for more pizza parlors baking more pizzas. The solution to our problems, you said, is redistribution of the pizzas we’ve got—with low-cost, government-subsidized pepperoni somehow materializing as the result of higher taxes on pizza parlor owners. In this zero-sum universe there’s only so much happiness. The idea is that if we wipe the smile off the faces of people with prosperous businesses and successful careers, that will make the rest of us grin. -- P.J. O'Rourke, World Affairs

Pathetic Leadership
The deficit for fiscal 2013 is estimated by the Congressional Budget Office to exceed $1 trillion once again — for the fifth consecutive year.  Mr. Obama persuaded Congress to raise taxes to pre-2001 levels for every individual tax filer making more than $400,000 and joint filers making more than $450,000.  How much extra revenue will that produce? Roughly $60 billion. That's just 6% of the $1 trillion annual deficit, if that number is even believable. (In reality, it's probably much higher than that, but let's just keep it simple and say it's only $1 trillion a year.)  Making a 6% dent in a problem that threatens the future worldwide economic leadership of the United States is not much of a solution. It's pathetic. -- Greg McCoach, Wealth Daily

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Riley Factor #126

The Riley Factor
Fort Plain, NY
December 31, 2012, Issue No. 126(All the Rock Creek Farm news that's fit to print, along with unfit-to-print rumors, prognostications & bloviations.)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All

Riley and the Littles 
--  On this day, New Year's Eve, 2012, we have about a foot and a half of snow lying on the ground, here in Middle-of-Nowhere.  Riley loves it, shoveling his long nose into the white and running around like he is plowing a snowfield.  He also appears perfectly comfortable lying motionless in a snow bed for 5-10 minutes, as long as he has an audience, ensuring that he has not been abandoned.

Plowing and Planting -- The only crops growing here now are ice and snow.

And They're Off -- Rio and Blondie love running around the pasture fence line, stopping to roll around on their backs in the snow - entertaining for us and horrifying for the steer and calves who run for their lives as if they are about to be steamrolled.

The Herd of Five -- Eli, Lily, Abraham, Isaac and Abby are as content as, well, cows.  With snow on the ground, mooing becomes louder and more frequent since they now rely solely on hay for feed, with pasture grass well hidden under the snow.  And when the hay supply gets low, which it does around noon each day, they call-out for more food to be placed on the buffet line.

Mowings, Musings and the Woods -- Early in December, Vernon Peachy spent a week in our woods felling, limbing and bucking 25 or so hardwood trees.  We are trying to clear the woods a bit, making it less dense, removing selected trees so others receive more sunlight.  Once transported back to the woodshed, these 25 former trees will become 15-20 cords of firewood for use next winter and beyond.  We started this process a couple of years ago, and so far it has worked-out fine.  Generally, we heat the house with wood, with the combination oil/wood burner in the basement and a wood stove in the kitchen.  Depending on temperatures, we use 7-12 cords of fire wood over the course of the winter.  Splitting, stacking and moving the wood around is good exercise.

Fowl Weather -- All's fine in the hen house.  We have 8 turkeys, 2 roosters and 13 hens with us for the winter.  Breeding will begin in the spring.

Visitors -- Stevie & CJ visited for a few days over Christmas, and Ames stopped in for a while just before.  Nancy was away, spending a week and change in Western Mass visiting her mother, kids and grandchildren.  And before the new year arrived, Nancy returned to Middle-of-Nowhere, bringing Beverly, Miranda and John for a couple of days.

Blog -- The Riley Factor's official blog site is located at  It contains all issues to date.  (If you actually spend the time and search through our Internet site, you may need more help with your life than we are able offer....  But we digress.)

Quotes of the Month
     The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. 
-- U.S. Constitution, Second Amendment

     You are what your record says you are. 
-- Bill Parcells  

You get what you tolerate. -- Mike Ditka

On January 20, 2013, the U.S. descent into socialism will be officially confirmed. -- Bob Bauman, Freedom Alliance, former U.S. Congressman (DE)
     We have a fundamental problem today with American politics.  All we do is spend money in exchange for buying votes.
 -- Stuart Varney

America is now a Socialist country. -- Ron Paul, U.S. Congressman

I'm an analog man in a digital world. -- Joe Walsh

We're a generation of men raised by women. -- Fight Club
Until tonight I had no idea “Les Miserables” referred to the people who just listened to Russell Crowe sing for 2 1/2 hours. -- Andy Levy
Over the past few hundred years, capitalism has vastly improved the quality of our lives. Yet most voters around the world still don't realize it... and are happy to elect politicians who demonize economic liberty and free markets. Many free market advocates openly fret that economic freedom may only be compatible with the kind of prosperity the West has experienced over the last 60 years - and that a stagnant economy (or worse) will invariably lead to less economic freedoms. 
This is not just the greatest threat to your stock portfolio but to your whole way of life. As Benjamin Franklin warned more than two centuries ago, "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -- Alexander Green, Investment U

     Never trust a government that doesn't trust its own citizens with guns.
 -- Benjamin Franklin
     One of the ordinary modes by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance is by disarming the people and making it an offense to keep arms. --  Joseph Story, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1840

  Don't let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace. -- His Holiness, the 14th Dali Lama                        
     President Obama is a small-minded guy when big issues are at hand.  The only big idea Obama has ever had is big government
.Obama will spend every dollar he gets his hands on.  -- Senator Lindsey Graham

Facts of the Month

     Inflation -- Currently, the U.S. government is printing $2 billion of currency per day, each one of those dollars reducing the value of your dollars, of all the dollars in circulation and in savings.
     Global Warming -- The planet has warmed 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit in the last hundred years, and zero degrees since 1998.
 Food Stamps -- 47,710,324 people were enrolled in the U.S. SNAP Food Stamp Program in September, an increase of 607,559 from the 47,102,765 enrolled in August.  The new numbers mean that an estimated one in 6.5 people in America were on food stamps in September.  In the 1970s, one out of every 50 Americans was on food stamps.
Pets -- 62 percent of all American households have a pet living with them.  46.3 million households own 78.2 million dogs. Cat households of 38.9 million own 86.4 million cats. Freshwater fish, birds, reptiles and horses, along with small animals such as rabbits, hamsters and others, represent another 25.3 million pets.

     National Debt -- At $16.4 trillion, the current National Debt equates to over $52,000 for every man, woman and child in America.  Each day, the government adds to the debt level with spending that exceeds tax revenue.  In addition, debt is added with the current Federal Reserve program that every month buys $45 billion of treasury securities and $40 billion of mortgage-backed securities, purportedly to reduce unemployment and spur the housing market.

China now consumes 53.2% of the world’s cement, 47.7% of its iron ore, 46.9% of its coal and 45.4% of its steel. -- Marc Faber

Gold & Silver --
     Here are a few specific gold price predictions and quotations from experts looking ahead to 2013 prices. (1) Raymond Key, head of metals trading at Deutsche Bank, told Bloomberg News last week that he expects gold to surpass $2,000 an ounce next year. (2) ScotiaMocatta, a large bullion bank, issued its annual gold forecast last week, predicting a 2013 range from $1,600 to a new high of $2,200, due to “the broad-based appeal of gold as an alternative currency” and “monetization” of debts. And (3) Michael Mullaney, the chief investment officer of the $9.5 billion Fiduciary Trust in Boston, says, “It’s a good time to garner some protection in portfolios by having some real asset like gold.”  Major dealers across the country are reporting increased sales of gold coins. -- Mike Fuljenz, Money

Commentary of the Month --
                                                                                Ending Eric Holder's Corrupt Lawless Rule

     Of all the threats to American liberty posed by the Obama Administration, the most dangerous is the corruption of the U.S. Department of Justice, where high-level misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance have become the norm.  The U.S. Department of Justice is supposed to be a neutral guardian of the rule of law and protector of our national order.  It is supposed to uphold the United States Constitution.  Instead, under President Barack Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder, it has become the national enforcer of Chicago-style thuggery on the national scene. -- Wayne LaPierre, NRA EVP

Green Energy --
Take a look at a short list of the biggest "green" scam artists in recent memory:
  • Electric car battery producer A123 hiked executive pay 36% after canning 125 employees...
  • First Solar, one of the world's largest solar companies, slashed 2,000 jobs in April  after increasing executive and CEO pay to $50 million...
  • Willard & Kelsey Solar Group lent its executives $500,000 and paid them $1 million — before beginning operations...
  • Beacon Power paid executives $260,000 in bonuses as it collapsed...

Incarceration --
The United States imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation on earth, both in total and per capita.
Freedom is ringing in the prison yard...
US Incarceration Rate
Commentary on ... What else?
Since Barack Obama took his first oath of office four years ago, our national debt has gone up 50%. The U.S. dollar has depreciated 5%. And unemployment has risen 12%. All since January 20, 2009.  Meanwhile, the U.S. government has lost its triple-A credit rating for the first time in history.  Unemployment is stuck at close to double digits. And that's just the official rate. The real unemployment rate, the one economists call "U6," that counts those who have given up looking for work, is 15%.  23 million Americans have no job. Millions more are reduced to working part-time in menial tasks.  With such a large slice of the population out of work and broke, 46 million Americans are now living on food stamps. That's 1/7th of our country!  We're turning into a welfare state at exactly the time the government is going broke.  49% of American households get government handouts—even more than the 47% Mitt Romney so infamously cited. Never before in history have so many people depended on Uncle Sam for housing, food and health care. Many of these millions are truly needy and deserving. But half the country pays no federal taxes—that's a problem!
Mitt Romney gave it the old college try. But when half the population sees the government as a paycheck, they're never going to elect someone who wants to cut back on the handouts. Like Ben Franklin said, when people find that they can vote themselves money, we're in trouble.
Meanwhile, Obama is running up more debt in one term than all other presidents combined, from George Washington to George W. Bush. The U.S. has now accumulated the biggest debt in world history and it is growing by $45,000 per second.
                -- Roger Conrad, Investing Daily