Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Riley Factor #136

The Riley Factor
Fort Plain, NY
July 19, 2015, Issue No. 136
 (All the Rock Creek Farm news that's fit to print, along with unfit-to-print rumors, prognostications &bloviations.)

                                                                        Inline image 1

Riley and the Littles -- Riley is running around the place like he owns it.  Well, he is in charge.  We have 'inhereted' a new cat.  Yikes, and then there were five.  Gandolf the Gray has ingratiated us with his presence, from parts unknown.  Not completely accepted yet, by the rest of his species, and certainly not by The Riley, but he makes incremental progress daily.  He looks fairly well kept, about two years old, mostly solid gray, with a few light black stripes.  Not and not to become a house cat.  Actually, we also have a Cat No. 6, a wild-looking behemoth living under the back cabin - we noticed him a couple of months ago and see him every few days or so.  Seems friendly.  From a distance.

OhhhWell -- (Title borrowed from our well driller, Gerry, who has this as his NYS-issued license plate on his drilling rig).  Gerry is drilling (actually technically pounding) a new well.  The old one simply got too old, plenty of water but the steel casing essentially rusted away, over probably 50-75 years.  New well is 150 feet deep and flows about 6.5 gallons per minute.  Should (had better) outlast us.

Plowing and Planting -- Winter wheat was planted last fall and harvested via combine on July 17, producing a thousand pounds or so of wheat and 32 bales of straw.  Gardens planted (potatoes, tomatoes, onions, peppers, squash (butternut, summer, zucchini), pumpkins, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, peas, garlic and the rest of the usual suspects.  So far growing well this year, with alternating periods of no rain and too much rain - on average about right, but a little on the dry side.

Hay grew strong and was baled late this year, due to the significant off-and-on rain in May and June.  July 4th weekend was reserved for mowing, tedding, raking and baling (about 20 acres this year).  Put-up 1,275 40-to-50-pound bales into he barn, all stacked by a crew of Amish teenagers who we hired for the day.  Perfect weather for making hay this year - did one extra round of tedding to dry the hay more due to a 6-hour shower early on July 4.  (Hay was mowed on July 3.)  Broke one tractor, and had to tow the hay wagons with the pick-up truck - a hay wagon runs about 8,000 to 10,000 pounds when full, depending on the number of bales kicked-into the wagon.  Broke and repaired thetedder.  Broke the hay rake and borrowed one to finish the all-important raking task.  Hay rake is now in process of being repaired.  The baler performed flawlessly

And They're Off -- Rio, our standard-bred, and Blondie, our halflinger, run the pasture day and night. We also let them into the orchard as well to graze, before the apples became very noticeable and enticing.  Actually, they broke-in to the orchard one day and we let them remain as they chose for a month or so.  The horses prefer being out all night and spending the hot sunny portion of the days in their stalls.  

The Herd of Four  -- Now, a Herd of Two -- Alack and alas, now a herd of two jerseys, as Abby and Isaac were butchered this spring.  Abraham and Lily continue on.  More calves to come.  This year's beef is excellent, about a thousand pounds processed and packaged.

Mowings, Musings and the Woods -- Skunk Bowl -- For a couple of weeks, we were visited by a group of skunks.  In the woodshed, in the garage, sometimes on the lawn.  Wandered around the place around dusk.  We tried a few tricks to get rid of them, but eventually had to revert to the time-tested 12-gauge remedy.  So far, five downed here, and two more by next-door-neighbor, Dave.  And one run-over by a passing motorist.  Hopefully, no more returning.

Fowl Weather -- Although chickens are going strong, laying an egg a day each right now, we decided to abandon our turkey-raising.  Although turkeys are very friendly and we always completely sold-out every November, the turkeys do wander everywhere, and daily have to be rescued when the flock of 6-25, depending on the day,wander into the road.  We butchered the last six this spring and gave them away to friends, family and customers.

Visitors -- Fairly quiet times, but Stevie, Scott, The Jackson and CJ have been regulars over the past several months.  Most recently, Stevie and Jackson visited us for a few days in early July.  Jack is walking now and becoming quite the 18-month-old man about town - a joy to be around.  CJ also spent a long weekend here in Middle-of-Nowhere in early July, right after the haying.

Blog -- The Riley Factor's official blog site is located at  It contains all issues to date.  (If you actually spend the time and search through our Internet site, you may need more help with your life than we are able offer....  But we digress.)

Quotes of the Month -- 

     The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within: strength, courage, dignity. -- Ruby Dee, actress

     To a large degree, the United States has experienced a significant move away from rule of law and toward a highly regulated, politicized, and heavily policed state. -- Fraser Institute, Canadian Think Tank

     The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you know nothing about. -- Dr. Wayne Dyer     

     Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and supporting your government when it deserves it. -- Mark Twain

     There are people running the government who shouldn't e allowed to play with matches. -- Will Rogers

     The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution. -- Thomas Jefferson

     You must do the thing that you think you cannot do. -- Eleanor Roosevelt

     Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress. -- Mahatma Gandhi

     The consequence of the Obama-Clinton foreign policy is that our friends no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us. -- Senator Ted Cruz 

     Taxes are the penalty that politicians foist on work. -- FOX NEWS Channel

     Some people are like black holes - light goes in but never comes out. -- Susan Fuchs

     We're at risk for becoming the best informed society that has ever died of ignorance. -- Unknown

      Nevada Senator Harry Reid is a highly-corruptethically-challenged,blatantly lying individual, who is widely-despised by his fellow members of Congress and the American people.  He was essentially fired from his position as Senate Majority Leader in the midterm elections, and for good reason.  Under Harry Reid’s leadership, work in the Senate had more or less ground to a halt, as Reid served to protect President Obama from bills he wouldn’t like. -- Conservative Tribune
He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't.  This is an inexorable, indisputable law. -- Orison Marden, writer
Facts of the Month --

     Immigration & Jobs -- Two immigrants have entered the U.S. for every job created since 2000: 18 million immigrants vs. 9.3 million jobs. -- U.S. Center for Immigration Studies

     Cigarette Taxes & Cigarette Smuggling -- Illinois raised its tax on cigarettes by $1 to $1.98 a pack in the middle of 2012, and over the next year cigarette smuggling soared from 1.1% of all smokes consumed to 20.9%. Cook County, home of Chicago, has also boosted its cigarette tax from $2 to $3 a pack, and the Chicago municipal rate rose from $0.68 to $1.18, meaning that since January 2014, taxes on cigarettes in Chicago totaled $6.16 a pack, the highest combined rate in the country. The highest state tax rate is in New York, $4.35 a pack, up 190% since 2006, and most cigarettes in the state, 58 percent, are smuggled, up from 35.8 percent in 2006. New York City imposes an additional $1.50 tax, bringing the total tax to $5.85 a pack.

Thought of the Month --

Gandhi's Seven Dangers to Human Virtue
1.  Wealth without work.
2.  Pleasure without conscience
3.  Knowledge without character.
4.  Business without ethics.
5.  Science without humanity.
6.  Religion without sacrifice.
7.  Politics without principle.

Bumper Stickers of the Month -- 5 Great Ones --



(next to a photo of Hillary) .. LIFE IS A BITCH.  DON'T ELECT ONE.





And then There's This ... 

Investor's Business Daily: Obama'sRegulations Have 'Strangled' Economy

President Obama's regulatory policies and poor economic incentives have cost the U.S. economy approximately $1.7 trillion of GDP per year, according to Investor's Business Daily editors. "Put in simple terms, President Obama has presided over an unprecedented regulatory siege that has strangled the economy and discouraged entrepreneurship," they write in an editorial.  The editors cite a Competitive Enterprise Institute study showing that Americans paid $1.9 trillion last year to comply with Obamacare, EPA limits on carbon dioxide emissions, energy restrictions and all the government's other regulations.

And this ...

Imagine, if you will, a president who orders the collection of virtually every fact about U.S. citizens, yet has all his own records sealed  before running for president. 

Some thoughts and quotes from President Ronald Reagan

Government does not solve problems.  It subsidizes them.  12/11/72

Are you entitled to the fruits of your own labor, or does the government have the right to spend and spend?  7/27/81

The future belongs to the free.  5/6/85

To those who are fainthearted and unsure, I have this message.  If you are afraid of the future, then get out of the way, stand aside.  The people of this country are ready to move again.  9/29/82

Nations crumble from within when the citizens ask of the government those things which the citizenry might better provide for itself.  4/7/75

The federal government has taken too much tax money from the people, too much authority from the states, and too much liberty with the Constitution.  2/9/82

We have to keep in mind that we are a nation under God, and if we ever forget that, we will be just another nation.  5/23/83

The best view of big government is in the rear-view mirror as you're driving away from it.  3/24/82

The American people weren't put on this earth to become managers of decline.  11/16/82

And then there's this ... QUOTE OF THE CENTURY

Quote of the Century Interesting quote from Vaclav Klaus, the former Premier of the Czech Republic.   Looks like he "hit the nail on the head."
     Embedded                                                            image                                                            permalink

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Riley Factor #135

The Riley Factor
Fort Plain, NY
January 21, 2015, Issue No. 135
 (All the Rock Creek Farm news that's fit to print, along with unfit-to-print rumors, prognostications & bloviations.)

                                                                        Inline image 1

Riley and the Littles -- Fairly cold this winter here in Middle-of-Nowhere.  Riley has missed a few of his scheduled daily one/two-mile runs.  (Riley still has not missed any meals).  But he has spent time outside during wood splitting and logging days.  AJ and Stryder come in and out of the house like it's their job.  (Which it is not - their job is catching and deterring mice).  Arwen and Izzy do not like the cold, and have not seen the sky since the autumnal equinox.

Plowing and Planting -- It's winter.  The only farming has been a bit of an experiment with hydroponics - tomatoes, peppers, basil, dill, lettuces, etc.

And They're Off -- Rio and Blondie run the pasture like it's the feature at Santa Anita.  The bovines stand and stare in wonderment.  The horses are all in the gate ... and, they're off ...

The Herd of Four -- Ibid.

Mowings, Musings and the Woods -- We spent a week winter logging, felling 73 hardwood trees, all down, limbed, bucked and left in the woods to season.  Planned use is for firewood for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 winters.   Friends Melvin Miller and Mervin Zook did the cutting, working in temps that ranged from below zero to a high of 25 degrees or so.

Fowl Weather -- 
Seven turkeys, including one little one, are over-wintering this year, along with a couple dozen chickens.  Eggs are being laid about one per chicken every other day.  Leaving a set of lights on all day increases the hen-yard production.  All the birds, and the bigs when they are in the barn, get classical music 24/7 this year.  Seems to be going well.

Visitors -- 
Many visits from Stevie, Scott, The Jax, CJ, neighbors and others.

Blog -- The Riley Factor's official blog site is located at  It contains all issues to date.  (If you actually spend the time and search through our Internet site, you may need more help with your life than we are able offer....  But we digress.)

Quotes of the Month -- 
     Obama's slogan has gone from "Change you can believe in." to "Change the story until you believe it." -- Jay Leno

     Honesty is a very expensive gift.  Don't expect it from cheap people. -- Warren Buffett

     Harry Reid is a disgrace to Democracy. -- Pat Caddell, Democrat Strategist

     Government officials don't produce anything. They only feed off of those who do.  They certainly don't produce wealth.  They only redistribute your wealth. -- Damon Geller 

     Put government in charge of the Sahara desert and in five years you'll have a shortage of sand. -Milton Friedman                                                 

     Anything that threatens the Democrat Party monopoly on the Black vote, threatens the entire power structure of the Democrat Party. -- Jesse Watters

     Do.  Or do not.  There is no try. -- Yoda     

     Barack Obama is a clown and the biggest liar I know. -- Donald Trump  

     A presidential temper tantrum is not a rational response. -- Ted Cruz

Special -- And two classic quotes, juxtaposed with each other ...

     Society's needs come before the individual's needs.  --  Adolph Hitler

     We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society. -- Hillary Clinton 

Facts of the Month --

     Quick history review ...
          13th Amendment -- Abolished slavery -- 100% Republican support, 23% Democrat support
          14th Amendment -- Gave citizenship to freed slaves -- 94% Republican support, 0% Democrat support
          15th Amendment -- Right to vote for all -- 100% Republican support, 0% Democrat support
          Obamacare -- 0% Republican support, 86% Democrat support

Holiday Wishes --

Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night...

              The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a
 Nativity Scene in Washington DC this Christmas season.
              This isn't for any religious reason. They simply have not  been able to find Three Wise Men in the Nation's Capitol.
 The search for a Virgin continues.
             There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable.

Thought of the Month --

Subject:  I Miss Bill Clinton

From a show on Canadian TV, where a black comedian said he misses Bill Clinton.
"Yep, that's right - I miss Bill Clinton!  
He was the closest thing we ever got to having a real black man as President.
*He played the sax.
*He smoked weed.
*He had his way with ugly white women  
*Even now? Look at him ... his wife works, and he doesn't!  And, he gets a check from the government every month.  
*Manufacturers announced today that they will be stocking America 's shelves this week with " Clinton Soup," in honor  
of one of the nations' distinguished men. It consists primarily of a weenie in hot water.  
*Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honor Bill Clinton. The Dodge Drafter will be built in Canada.
*When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, "I don't know, I never had one."
*The Clinton revised judicial oath: "I solemnly swear to tell the truth as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be,  
and nothing but what I think you need to know."
*Clinton will be recorded in history as the only President to do Hanky Panky between the Bushes."


Bumper Stickers of the Month -- 4 Great Ones --





And then There's This ... 

*My Twilight Years ~ Clint Eastwood

As I enjoy my twilight years, I am

often struck by the inevitability that the party must end.*
*There will be a clear, cold morning when there isn't any "more."    No
more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together,*
*no more phone calls just to chat.  It seems to me that one of the
important things to do before that morning comes, is to let every one of
your family and friends*
*know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your
heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can
always say,*

*"He was my friend, and I know where he stood."   So, just in case I'm gone
tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying,
flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist
*bleeding heart, narcissistic,  scientific and economic moron  currently in
the White House.*

* Regards, Clint *
*Make my day, Pass it on*