Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Riley Factor #135

The Riley Factor
Fort Plain, NY
January 21, 2015, Issue No. 135
 (All the Rock Creek Farm news that's fit to print, along with unfit-to-print rumors, prognostications & bloviations.)

                                                                        Inline image 1

Riley and the Littles -- Fairly cold this winter here in Middle-of-Nowhere.  Riley has missed a few of his scheduled daily one/two-mile runs.  (Riley still has not missed any meals).  But he has spent time outside during wood splitting and logging days.  AJ and Stryder come in and out of the house like it's their job.  (Which it is not - their job is catching and deterring mice).  Arwen and Izzy do not like the cold, and have not seen the sky since the autumnal equinox.

Plowing and Planting -- It's winter.  The only farming has been a bit of an experiment with hydroponics - tomatoes, peppers, basil, dill, lettuces, etc.

And They're Off -- Rio and Blondie run the pasture like it's the feature at Santa Anita.  The bovines stand and stare in wonderment.  The horses are all in the gate ... and, they're off ...

The Herd of Four -- Ibid.

Mowings, Musings and the Woods -- We spent a week winter logging, felling 73 hardwood trees, all down, limbed, bucked and left in the woods to season.  Planned use is for firewood for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 winters.   Friends Melvin Miller and Mervin Zook did the cutting, working in temps that ranged from below zero to a high of 25 degrees or so.

Fowl Weather -- 
Seven turkeys, including one little one, are over-wintering this year, along with a couple dozen chickens.  Eggs are being laid about one per chicken every other day.  Leaving a set of lights on all day increases the hen-yard production.  All the birds, and the bigs when they are in the barn, get classical music 24/7 this year.  Seems to be going well.

Visitors -- 
Many visits from Stevie, Scott, The Jax, CJ, neighbors and others.

Blog -- The Riley Factor's official blog site is located at  It contains all issues to date.  (If you actually spend the time and search through our Internet site, you may need more help with your life than we are able offer....  But we digress.)

Quotes of the Month -- 
     Obama's slogan has gone from "Change you can believe in." to "Change the story until you believe it." -- Jay Leno

     Honesty is a very expensive gift.  Don't expect it from cheap people. -- Warren Buffett

     Harry Reid is a disgrace to Democracy. -- Pat Caddell, Democrat Strategist

     Government officials don't produce anything. They only feed off of those who do.  They certainly don't produce wealth.  They only redistribute your wealth. -- Damon Geller 

     Put government in charge of the Sahara desert and in five years you'll have a shortage of sand. -Milton Friedman                                                 

     Anything that threatens the Democrat Party monopoly on the Black vote, threatens the entire power structure of the Democrat Party. -- Jesse Watters

     Do.  Or do not.  There is no try. -- Yoda     

     Barack Obama is a clown and the biggest liar I know. -- Donald Trump  

     A presidential temper tantrum is not a rational response. -- Ted Cruz

Special -- And two classic quotes, juxtaposed with each other ...

     Society's needs come before the individual's needs.  --  Adolph Hitler

     We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society. -- Hillary Clinton 

Facts of the Month --

     Quick history review ...
          13th Amendment -- Abolished slavery -- 100% Republican support, 23% Democrat support
          14th Amendment -- Gave citizenship to freed slaves -- 94% Republican support, 0% Democrat support
          15th Amendment -- Right to vote for all -- 100% Republican support, 0% Democrat support
          Obamacare -- 0% Republican support, 86% Democrat support

Holiday Wishes --

Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night...

              The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a
 Nativity Scene in Washington DC this Christmas season.
              This isn't for any religious reason. They simply have not  been able to find Three Wise Men in the Nation's Capitol.
 The search for a Virgin continues.
             There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable.

Thought of the Month --

Subject:  I Miss Bill Clinton

From a show on Canadian TV, where a black comedian said he misses Bill Clinton.
"Yep, that's right - I miss Bill Clinton!  
He was the closest thing we ever got to having a real black man as President.
*He played the sax.
*He smoked weed.
*He had his way with ugly white women  
*Even now? Look at him ... his wife works, and he doesn't!  And, he gets a check from the government every month.  
*Manufacturers announced today that they will be stocking America 's shelves this week with " Clinton Soup," in honor  
of one of the nations' distinguished men. It consists primarily of a weenie in hot water.  
*Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honor Bill Clinton. The Dodge Drafter will be built in Canada.
*When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, "I don't know, I never had one."
*The Clinton revised judicial oath: "I solemnly swear to tell the truth as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be,  
and nothing but what I think you need to know."
*Clinton will be recorded in history as the only President to do Hanky Panky between the Bushes."


Bumper Stickers of the Month -- 4 Great Ones --





And then There's This ... 

*My Twilight Years ~ Clint Eastwood

As I enjoy my twilight years, I am

often struck by the inevitability that the party must end.*
*There will be a clear, cold morning when there isn't any "more."    No
more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together,*
*no more phone calls just to chat.  It seems to me that one of the
important things to do before that morning comes, is to let every one of
your family and friends*
*know that you care for them by finding simple ways to let them know your
heartfelt beliefs and the guiding principles of your life so they can
always say,*

*"He was my friend, and I know where he stood."   So, just in case I'm gone
tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying,
flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist
*bleeding heart, narcissistic,  scientific and economic moron  currently in
the White House.*

* Regards, Clint *
*Make my day, Pass it on*

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